Wordle: snow

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


After hearing this conversation on Speaking of Faith on "The Meaning of Intelligence", I thought of how much "manual" labor in our society is discredited. Yet, without those willing to to such labor, how ever will the extravagant buildings and bustling roadways ever be complete? However insignificant these tasks seem, they are necessary for progress.

On one of the recent blistering summer days, I surprised my postal carrier for her duty by leaving her an icy bottle of water. Acknowledging her work during that time made her feel valued.

Having "intellectual" conversations with people can be quite enlightening, keeping my brain synapses in constant motion. Yet, there are opportunities to discuss the mechanics of a task that sometimes seem more favorable.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Makes TOTAL sense

Quote from Andy Warhol:

"They always say that time changes things but you actually have to change them yourself".

I've noticed the truth of this statement in my most recent transition of my son leaving for college. The house is empty of his daily presence and my daily routine no longer involves juggling the car keys back & forth. I miss some of the hecticness that kept me grounded, yet I find the calm left behind almost pleasant. Investigating new opportunties encourages me to change my routine, because if I leave it as is, I will be running in place, going nowhere.