Wordle: snow

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More chocolate... more wisdom

Gotta love the Dove people! Not only do they make delicious chocolates, they find bits of wisdom to share with the world!

Today's thought: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams"

I have been doing that for the past few weeks since becoming unemployed (YAY! I'm a statistic).
Although financially I am down in the dumps (makes you re-prioritize what is important to you), I couldn't feel more alive! So many possibilites are out there.

I have had opportunities to participate in meeting and activities I haven't been able to in over 10 years because of the nature of my (former) work. Meeting and reconnecting with people and learning new things about myself (or not so new, just laying dormant while I used my mind/body for working in a corporate environment).

I am energized, happy and enjoy taking on new adventures each day. And now... the adventure of dry laundry awaits.

1 comment:

Roban said...

I'm glad you're feeling re-energized with your unplanned vacation! Good for you!